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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 28
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-136 (1 April 1971)

The synthesis of fluoroferrocene
Pages C14-C16
Frederick L. Hedberg, Harold Rosenberg
Nouvelle méthode d'obtention d'énoxysilanes
Pages C11-C13
Rolland Bourhis, Emile Frainnet
A simple synthesis of bis(3,5-dimethyl)borinane and bis(3,6-dimethyl)borepane as new valuable reagents via cyclic hydroboration
Pages C1-C4
Herbert C. Brown, Ei-Ichi Negishi
Réarrangement d'organomagnésiens dérivant d'halogénures β-éthyléniques
Pages C5-C8
Ph. Miginiac, B. Cousseran
Fluxional behavior of a dicobalt complex. An example of metal-carbon σ-π interconversion
Pages C17-C19
M. Rosenblum, W. P. Giering, B. North, D. Wells
Addition des zinciques issus d'α-bromonitriles sur les cétones et aldéhydes α-éthyléniques et sur les alcoylidénes malonates
Pages C9-C10
Nicole Goasdoue, Marcel Gaudemar
NMR studies of 7Li chemical exchange between phenyllithium and p-tolyllithium: The degree of association of phenyllithium in diethyl ether solution
Pages 1-4
J. A. Ladd, J. Parker
The stereochemistry of polynuclear compounds of the main group elements [C2H5Mg2Cl3(C4H8O)3]2, a tetrameric Grignard reagent
Pages 5-20
J. Toney, G. D. Stucky
Preparation of diethylindium thiobenzoate and its novel reactions on hydrolysis and pyrolysis
Pages 21-24
Hisashi Tada, Rokuro Okawara
New anionic rearrangements XIII. Reactions of tert-butyllithium with organosilanes
Pages 25-35
Robert West, Gerald A. Gornowicz
Reactions of boranes and carboranes with silanes, organosilanes, and related compounds
Pages 37-48
Will A. Ledoux, Russell N. Grimes
Alkaline cleavage of substituted phenyltrimethylsilanes in aqueous dimethylsulphoxide
Pages 49-52
J. Cretney, G. J. Wright
PMR spectra of hexamethyl derivatives of group IV-M elements, (CH3)3MM′(CH3)3
Pages 53-57
C. Frank Shaw III, A. L. Allred
Photolytic reactions of bis(trimethylsilyl)mercury and bis(trimethylgermyl)mercury with benzene, toluene, and anisole. Free-radical aromatic silylation and germylation
Pages 59-72
S. W. Bennett, C. Eaborn, R. A. Jackson, R. Pearce
Reactions of trans-cinnamyltriethyl- and trans-cinnamyltriphenyltin with tribromoborane, preferential transfer of the cinnamyl group from tin to boron
Pages 73-79
Yoshio Tanigawa, Ichiro Moritani, Shinya Nishida
The synthesis of (trimethylstannyl)phosphine: The observation of phosphorus—tin nuclear spin-spin coupling
Pages 81-86
Arlan D. Norman
Tetracyclopentadienyl and tetraindenyl compounds of cerium(IV)
Pages 87-89
B. L. Kalsotra, S. P. Anand, R. K. Multani, B. D. Jain
Preparation of low oxidation state cyclopentadienyl complexes of titanium and zirconium I. Compounds of zirconium
Pages 91-95
P. C. Wailes, H. Weigold
Reactions of metal carbonyl derivatives VI. Further studies of the reaction of bis(tricarbonyl-π-cyclopentadienylmolybdenum) with tertiary phosphites, phosphonites and phosphinites
Pages 97-104
R. J. Haines, A. L. Du Preez, I. L. Marais
Organometallphosphin-substituierte übergangsmetallkomplexe XI. Organometallphosphincyclopentadienyldicarbonyl- und -methylcyclopentadienyldicarbonyl-mangan-komplexe
Pages 105-113
Herbert Schumann, Othmar Stelzer, Jürgen Kuhlmey, Udo Niederreuther
Stereochemie von metallocenen XXXIV. Die racemisierung von optisch aktiven metallocenen
Pages 115-124
Heinz Falk, Harald Lehner, Josef Paul, Ulrike Wagner
The reaction of some ferrocenyl ketones with anhydrous silver tetrafluoroborate, a new route to substituted ferricenium salts
Pages 125-132
P. Carty, M. F. A. Dove
The behaviour of nickel(0) diphosphine complexes towards unsaturated organic compounds
Pages 133-136
B. Corain, M. Bressan, P. Rigo

Issue 2, Pages 145-291 (16 April 1971)

Page C28
The chemistry of inorganic ring systems : by Ionel Haiduc. Part 1, 622 pages, Part 2, 575 pages. Wiley-Interscience, New York/London, 1970, 250 s per part.
Page C27
M. F. Lappert
The isolation and crystal structure of azulenetriruthenium heptacarbonyl, a probable intermediate in the formation of tetrahedral azulene-ruthenium-carbonyl clusters
Pages C21-C23
Melvyn R. Churchill, Frederick R. Scholer, John Wormald
Monocyclooctatetraenelanthanide chlorides, a new class of cyclooctatetraene complexes
Pages C24-C26
F. Mares, K. O. Hodgson, A. Streitwieser Jr.
A nuclear magnetic resonance study of carbon-lithium bonding in arylmethyllithiums benzyllithium and 1,1-diphenyl-n-hexyllithium
Pages 145-151
L. Dennis McKeever, Richard Waack
Preparation of organopotassium compounds
Pages 153-158
L. Lochmann, D. Lím
Transition metal alkyls and hydrides X. Structure of products formed in the reactions between olefins and grignard reagents in the presence of nickel chloride
Pages 159-165
L. Farády, L. Markó
Metallorganische lewis-basen III. Thio-dimethylborane
Pages 167-179
Heinrich Vahrenkamp
Metallorganische lewis-basen IV. Schwingungsspektroskopische untersuchungen zur natur der bor-schwefel-bindung
Pages 181-192
Heinrich Vahrenkamp
Monomer-dimer equilibria of triethylaluminium
Pages 193-204
J. N. Hay, P. G. Hooper, J. C. Robb
Cyclopentadienyl-aluminum compounds I. The reactions of cyclopentadiene with aluminum alkyls
Pages 205-210
W. R. Kroll, B. E. Hudson Jr.
Reactions of (trimethylsilyl)cyclopentadiene with metal carbonyls
Pages 211-215
E. W. Abel, S. Moorhouse
Organo-group vb chemistry I. Synthesis and nmr spectra of some tertiary substituted arylarsines and arsine oxides
Pages 217-223
R. F. de Ketelaere, F. T. Delbeke, G. P. Van Der Kelen
Organo-group vb chemistry II. Vibrational study of some tertiary substituted arylarsines and arsine oxides
Pages 225-235
F. T. Delbeke, R. F. De Ketelaere, G. P. Van Der Kelen
Übergangsmetall-carben-komplexe XXVII. Ringsubstituierte (Methoxyphenylcarben)-pentacarbonylchrom(o)-komplexe
Pages 237-258
E. O. Fischer, C. G. Kreiter, H. J. Kollmeier, J. Müller, R. D. Fischer
Coordination synthesis on metal centers V. Reaction of triallylchromium(III) and tetraallydichromium(II) with 2-butyne
Pages 259-263
R. P. A. Sneeden, H. H. Zeiss
Coordination complexes of di-π-cyclopentadienylmolybdenum(VI) and -tungsten(VI) oxide compounds with some bidentate ligands
Pages 265-270
S. P. Anand, R. K. Multani, B. D. Jain
Disproportionation of olefins with tungsten carbonyl derivatives as homogeneous catalysts
Pages 271-272
L. Bencze, L. Markó
Perfluorophenyl derivatives of the elements XXVI. Tetrafluorobenzobarrelene complexes of Mn, Co, Rh, Pd and Pt
Pages 273-279
D. M. Roe, A. G. Massey
Reaktivität des hydrierungskatalystors irx(co)l2 als funktion der liganden x und l
Pages 281-286
W. Strohmeier, R. Fleischmann, Takeru Onoda
The addition of aryl halides to tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(0)
Pages 287-291
P. Fitton, E. A. Rick

Issue 3, Pages 293-428 (1 May 1971)

Interaction of silanes with bis(triphenylphosphine)ethyleneplatinum(0); hydrosilylation of olefins with this complex
Pages C37-C38
Keiji Yamamoto, Tamio Hayashi, Makoto Kumada
The methylenation of methylidynetricobalt nonacarbonyl with monohalomethylmercurials
Pages C34-C36
Dietmar Seyferth, Ralph J. Spohn, John E. Hallgren
Thermal behavior of anionic organoaluminum thiocyanates
Pages C29-C30
J. L. Atwood, P. A. Milton, S. K. Seale
Rotation-vibration spectra of dimethylmercury and perdeutero-dimethylmercury
Pages C39-C41
J. Mink, L. Nemes
Complexes of plumbous chloride and dimethyllead dichloride with methylaluminium dichloride
Pages C31-C33
M. BolesLwski, S. Pasynkiewicz, H. Pszonka
Syntheses of chalcogen containing silyl- and germyl-mercury compounds
Pages C42-C44
E. N. Gladyshev, N. S. Vyazankin, V. S. Andreevichev, A. A. Klimov, G. A. Razuvaev
Über die 1H-, 13C- und 29Si-NMR chemischen Verschiebungen einiger linearer, verzweigter und cyclischer Methylsiloxan-Verbindungen
Pages 293-300
G. Engelhardt, H. Jancke, M. Mägi, T. Pehk and, E. Lippmaa
Über cyclische silylphosphinimonium-kationen
Pages 301-305
Werner Wolfsberger, Hubert Schmidbaur
Umsilylierungsreaktionen an Silylphosphiniminen
Pages 307-316
W. Wolfsberger, H. H. Pickel, H. Schmidbaur
Beiträge zur organosiliciumchemie der sulfoximine : II. Umsilylierungsexperimente
Pages 317-323
Werner Wolfsberger, Hubert Schmidbaur
Halomethyl-metal compounds : XLVII. Phenyl(1,1-dichloroethyl)mercury, a potential CH3CCl transfer agent
Pages 325-338
Dietmar Seyferth, David C. Mueller
119mSn Mössbauer and NMR study of trialkyltin acetates
Pages 339-347
N. W. G. Debye, D. E. Fenton, S. E. Ulrich, J. J. Zuckerman
Nucleophile substitutionsreaktionen an Spirocyclen des pentakoordinierten Antimons
Pages 349-358
D. Hellwinkel, M. Bach
Übergangsmetall–Carben-Komplexe : XXVIII. Reaktionen von (Methoxyphenylcarben)pentacarbonylchrom(0) mit Aminen
Pages 359-365
E. O. Fischer, B. Heckl, H. Werner
Kinetik und Mechanismus der Aminolyse von (Methoxyphenylcarben)pentacarbonylchrom(0) - Eine reaktion 4. Ordnung mit negativer Arrhenius-Aktivierungsenergie
Pages 367-389
H. Werner, E. O. Fischer, B. Heckl, C. G. Kreiter
Transition metal chemistry : VII. Calculation of CO stretching force constants and separation of mesomeric and inductive effects for LM(CO)5 complexes
Pages 391-397
F. T. Delbeke, E. G. Claeys, G. P. van der Kelen
Studies on the preparation and properties of some phenolic and carboxylic derivatives of dicyclooctatetraenylmolybdenum oxide dichloride
Pages 399-404
K. M. Sharma, S. K. Anand, R. K. Multani, B. D. Jain
Reactions of metal carbonyl derivatives , : VII. Reactions of chloro- and iododicarbonyl-π-cyclopentadienyliron with some tertiary phosphines and phosphites
Pages 405-413
R. J. Haines, A. L. Du Preez, I. L. Marais
Chemistry of mixed transition-metal complexes : II. Preparation of mixed transition-metal μ-diphenylphosphido complexes
Pages 415-421
Katsutoshi Yasufuku, Hiroshi Yamazaki
Massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen an Trirutheniumdodekacarbonyl bei verschiedenen Elektronenenergien und Temperaturen
Pages 423-428
Albert Herlan